God's Helping Hand

 "The Lord has appointed the youth to be His helping hand."


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Mothers – GO HOME

 Sitting by the fireside

One cold, windy day

The memories surged on as

A mother’s heart realized she missed her mother.

Mother, oh mother,

Where have you gone?

Off to work again,

To leave a lonely heart

Aching for her warm companionship.

When I was young,

Oh so young,

Mother left the home each day

For a job out there so far away.

The days were long,

The work load hard.

Oh mother, dear mother,

I miss your companionship.

Now I’m grown,

A mother with a daughter too!

What beautiful, glorious days

All her growing up years have been.

We’ve worked together,

Learned together, sang together,

And prayed together.

Today, my mother stayed home from work,

Not feeling quite so good,

I stopped by with videos and tape messages so sweet

To fill her time with warmth and love and hope.

How sweet it is to contemplate,

That mother is home THIS DAY,

Though now in her 70’s

My heart is touched –

Missed my mother ever so much.

A HOME is not a home

Where there is no mother there.




-Teresa Kodimer